Tail Pads

Showing all 11 results

Showing all 11 results

Surfboard Tail Pad

If you are going to buy a surfboard tail pad, a number of things are important. The first step is to buy the right tail pad for your surfboard. A traction pad for a longboard is larger and longer, while a grip pad for a fish is a bit wider. That is why you will find tailpads for every surfboard in our shop. Some footpads consist of 1 part while others are 2-part, 3-part or even 5-parts. This allows you to make maximum use of the space on the tail of your board.

If you have purchased the right surfboard tailpad, the second step comes. Attaching the grip mat to your surfboard. This is very easy. But there are a number of steps that I definitely would like to advise. First of all you ensure that your tail of your surfboard is clean, wax and grease free. You can ideally use a wax remover for this. To allow the glue to adhere even better, you can briefly heat the surface with a hair dryer. Not to heat for too long. Then you stick back to front part by part of the traction pad on your surfboard. Then with the rolling pin over it and your footpad fits like a glove!